martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

A country I would like to visist

I would love to visit Bhutan, because it's considered the happiest country on earth and they seem to have completely different life style. This country is very little, and is between China and India. The main religion is Buddhism, and Buddhist people have the belief that in the past the earth was a paradise, that disappeared at some point but some remains should exist today. Can you guess where we can find this paradise? Well, Buddhists believe than Bhutan is that place.  It is considered the happiest country,they even have a Happiness Department and their own happiness index; that considers cultural, educational and environmental issues, besides other things, inspired by the country religion.
  Being there, I would love, in first place, to know the people to understand what makes them such a happy culture, and also visit the places that are considered as the Buddhist paradise, they have to be so beautiful. 
  Finally, I would like to visit and work for a while there, specially as an anthropologist, because I would get to understand the culture, but I wouldn't live there because I don't think I could get used to such a different reality.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Your Ideal Job

My ideal job would be,  I think, something that includes a lot of traveling and interacting with people. An anthropologist can do all that, but actually I think that my ideal job would be a hotel-taster, that requires the energy to travel and the critic capacity for making an opinion about the places that you visit. Their job basically consists on staying at different hotels tasting their services and facilities, and after that, they usually write a column for some magazine or in some cases they have their own TV programs. I believe that I would be great at this job because I don't mind not being at home and being at unknown places, instead of felling uncomfortable with that, like some people do. I actually enjoy being away. That would really let me focus on my goal, that would be realizing when someone is giving me a good or a bad service. The difficult part would be finding this kind of job, I actually don't know anybody that works as a hotel-taster, besides the ones that appear on TV. I think that maybe people that had studied tourism may end up working in this, but they must be only a few, and because of that it is why I ended up studying anthropology, because, as I said, it also requires to travel and above all interacting with people.