martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Election Day

Elections are coming, they are around the corner and I don't know yet if I'm gonna be voting or not (I'm just talking about presidential elections), because so far, I don't really like any candidate and I refuse to vote for the smallest evil, so my best option would be to annul my vote o leave it unmark, and as at the end that is almost the same as not going, I don't know if I'll be voting.
I like/hate electoral campaigns. I like them because they are an expression of the democratic idea of choosing a person that represents you and because of that they are very important. Also, and this will sound kind of silly, I really enjoy the part of the campaign that appears on TV, it's always amusing watching important people doing ridiculous things for just a vote. 
That last thing is also why I hate electoral campaigns. It seems that politicians are willing to do anything for a vote. They spent a gigantic amounts of money; that lots of times comes from businessman that have their own agenda when they lend the money; our cities became infested with their announcements; that most of the time are just based on publicity strategies instead of giving real information to the public in order to make an informed choice; and also candidates will go and say horrible things about anyone with the intention of gaining votes or making the other loose them.
I thing that someone, for becoming a politician, must, above all, have a real interest and commitment in making things better and achieve that by always following their convictions and fulfilling their promises.
I could never be a politician, because I can't really understand where is the line between the public and personal stuff. An example, if I were a politician and I have to make a choice on the subject of abortion, I really thing that it concerns to people in a personal level, so I don't feel able to decide if a women can on cannot have one; even when I know that I was elected by people that I represent, I'd feel as I was imposing to to many people. In that case particularly if abortion gets approved, well then people still own the last choice, but when if that is not the case, by example, politicians are who decide to go or not into a war, or the health system, and by choosing one I would feel as I was imposing to the entire country. I don't say that that is bad, it is actually necessary to choose someone that makes that choices, but I  could't be conformable knowing that that person is me.
Finally, I believe that is crucial for the electoral campaigns on my district that politicians are transparent about where the money for the campaigns came. Also to regulate all the environmental damage that includes, for example making gigantic advertisements made from non- recyclable materials.

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