martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Election Day

Elections are coming, they are around the corner and I don't know yet if I'm gonna be voting or not (I'm just talking about presidential elections), because so far, I don't really like any candidate and I refuse to vote for the smallest evil, so my best option would be to annul my vote o leave it unmark, and as at the end that is almost the same as not going, I don't know if I'll be voting.
I like/hate electoral campaigns. I like them because they are an expression of the democratic idea of choosing a person that represents you and because of that they are very important. Also, and this will sound kind of silly, I really enjoy the part of the campaign that appears on TV, it's always amusing watching important people doing ridiculous things for just a vote. 
That last thing is also why I hate electoral campaigns. It seems that politicians are willing to do anything for a vote. They spent a gigantic amounts of money; that lots of times comes from businessman that have their own agenda when they lend the money; our cities became infested with their announcements; that most of the time are just based on publicity strategies instead of giving real information to the public in order to make an informed choice; and also candidates will go and say horrible things about anyone with the intention of gaining votes or making the other loose them.
I thing that someone, for becoming a politician, must, above all, have a real interest and commitment in making things better and achieve that by always following their convictions and fulfilling their promises.
I could never be a politician, because I can't really understand where is the line between the public and personal stuff. An example, if I were a politician and I have to make a choice on the subject of abortion, I really thing that it concerns to people in a personal level, so I don't feel able to decide if a women can on cannot have one; even when I know that I was elected by people that I represent, I'd feel as I was imposing to to many people. In that case particularly if abortion gets approved, well then people still own the last choice, but when if that is not the case, by example, politicians are who decide to go or not into a war, or the health system, and by choosing one I would feel as I was imposing to the entire country. I don't say that that is bad, it is actually necessary to choose someone that makes that choices, but I  could't be conformable knowing that that person is me.
Finally, I believe that is crucial for the electoral campaigns on my district that politicians are transparent about where the money for the campaigns came. Also to regulate all the environmental damage that includes, for example making gigantic advertisements made from non- recyclable materials.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

An article from the Guardian

Blick Mead, near Stonehenge, where a charred toad's leg was found.  I'm gonna make a review about a post from the Guardian. It talks about an archaeological discovery near Stonehenge, in England, a site caled Blick Mead, that belongs to the Mesolithic era. 
  What's interesting about this finding, in first place, is that it's contains rests of frog's legs, that were consumed as food. The important thing is that this specific food always had been considered as something that firs appeared in France, but this rests are much older that the older rests ever founded in France!
  Well, actually that not the most important part, but is how the article begins. Obviously the importance of an archaeological site is more than that. The site contains evidence of a lot of types of food, like frog's legs, that hadn't been associated with the period that the site belongs. It is also the oldest site, that belongs to Mesolithic, with a continuous using. 
  Also it seems that this particular site was very important in the past, in part for the high amount of food founded, but also because it appears that the site was used for over 3000 years, so whoever used it was very interested in keep using it.
Archaeologists says, due to the apparent importance that people in the past gave to the site, that it could be the cause of Stonehenge to exist where it is: it had to be something really special about the place where it was built, and Bleak Mead could be involved in that. They even think that this site could represent the most important and old discovery ever found in the country for the Mesolithic.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

My favorite band or singer

It's difficult to choose just one band or one singer, but as I must choose on, I would say that my favorite band at the moment is Juana Fe. Its a band that combines different Latin-American music rhythms, and their are considered as one of the exponents of the New Chilean Cumbia, just like Joe Vasconcellos or Chico Trujillo. It's composed by 7 integrants and their work with 'La Makinita', that is a record label, but also an space of production and diffusion of independent artists in the hope of helping their professionalization, and this is impulsed by Juana Fe's help. That is something I like of them, their commitment whit chilean music; it's great that every time you go to see them, you end up knowing new artist. But above all, I like their music, they have a song for everything, with political content, romantics and some just for partying, and all of them have a mix of different rhythms from around the continent. Is for that reason that it's difficult to choose just one song, because it really depends of my mood witch one I want to listen to.
I had wrote about 2 songs that I like, when I remember about 'La Jardinera', that is Juana Fe cover of the well-known song of Violeta Parra with the same name. I really love this song, it makes me happy every time I listen to it. It actually was my ring tone and instead of picking up, I preferred to listen the song (that's why eventually I had to change the song), and any song that makes you do that should be considered your favorite song, don´t you think?

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

A day to remember

I was Europe with 6 school friends.We were on a bus traveling from Venice to Rome, were we had to take a plane to Barcelona. The entire week we spent in Italy there was a polar wave that made the weather unbearable -we were in Rome there firs time it snowed since over 30 year!. The only thing we could think of was arriving to the sunny Barcelona, wen the bus driver told us that there was no way we could get to Rome that day, because all the highways were closing.
We were so afraid, and we ended up spending a hole day on the bus that, beside us had 10 more people, and when we pas the state of desperation for arriving to our flight, we actually had a great time, laughing because of the situation  dancing flamenco - there was a professional dancer on the bus- and we actually arrived to the flight.
It was a day to remember because all the time we spent in Italy was terrible, it was so cold and the snow was so bad that all attractions were closed, that the only time that we really enjoy on the country, was the day that we spent trapped on the bus.  

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

A country I would like to visist

I would love to visit Bhutan, because it's considered the happiest country on earth and they seem to have completely different life style. This country is very little, and is between China and India. The main religion is Buddhism, and Buddhist people have the belief that in the past the earth was a paradise, that disappeared at some point but some remains should exist today. Can you guess where we can find this paradise? Well, Buddhists believe than Bhutan is that place.  It is considered the happiest country,they even have a Happiness Department and their own happiness index; that considers cultural, educational and environmental issues, besides other things, inspired by the country religion.
  Being there, I would love, in first place, to know the people to understand what makes them such a happy culture, and also visit the places that are considered as the Buddhist paradise, they have to be so beautiful. 
  Finally, I would like to visit and work for a while there, specially as an anthropologist, because I would get to understand the culture, but I wouldn't live there because I don't think I could get used to such a different reality.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Your Ideal Job

My ideal job would be,  I think, something that includes a lot of traveling and interacting with people. An anthropologist can do all that, but actually I think that my ideal job would be a hotel-taster, that requires the energy to travel and the critic capacity for making an opinion about the places that you visit. Their job basically consists on staying at different hotels tasting their services and facilities, and after that, they usually write a column for some magazine or in some cases they have their own TV programs. I believe that I would be great at this job because I don't mind not being at home and being at unknown places, instead of felling uncomfortable with that, like some people do. I actually enjoy being away. That would really let me focus on my goal, that would be realizing when someone is giving me a good or a bad service. The difficult part would be finding this kind of job, I actually don't know anybody that works as a hotel-taster, besides the ones that appear on TV. I think that maybe people that had studied tourism may end up working in this, but they must be only a few, and because of that it is why I ended up studying anthropology, because, as I said, it also requires to travel and above all interacting with people.